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How To Keep Your Family Home Clean And Organised

Keeping your living space clean and tidy is often easier said than done, particularly if you have children. While we would all love to boast a showhome-worthy house, the reality is that finding the time and energy to clean and organise is challenging. Juggling work, family life, and household chores is no mean feat, so tips, hacks and shortcuts are often welcomed with open arms. As such, here are some excellent tips that will help you maintain an immaculate home.

Do Little And Often

One of the most common pieces of advice you’ll come across regarding home cleanliness is to do little and often. Not only does this prevent a build-up of clutter and dirt, but it will get you into a healthy cleaning routine. If you struggle getting started, try the 15-minute challenge - set a timer on your phone and see how much you can get done in 15 minutes. You may find that once 15 minutes are up, you have the motivation to keep going. If not, you’ll still have achieved more than you would have done otherwise.

Set A Family Schedule

Keeping a family home clean and tidy should be a family effort in which everybody does their part. Getting your kids to clean their room may be challenging enough. Still, studies have shown that encouraging children to do age-appropriate chores may help them to be more responsible and better equipped to deal with frustration and adversity. Setting a fair family schedule and encouraging your children to help with the housework is also an excellent way to teach them the importance of cleanliness. This hands-on experience instils a sense of responsibility and cultivates lifelong habits that will benefit them in their adult lives.

Have A Place For Everything

Do you have numerous areas in your home where miscellaneous items just seem to accumulate? When things don’t have homes, clutter will quickly build up, so if something doesn’t have a home, make one for it. Not only will having designated places for everything help you keep your home looking fantastic, but it will also save you valuable time and effort by eliminating the frustration of searching for misplaced items. You may find it helpful to invest in more storage solutions, such as drawers, boxes, bins and cabinets.

Declutter Regularly

Regular decluttering sessions will help to keep your space tidy and organised. After all, less stuff means fewer things to clean and tidy away. While you don’t have to wholeheartedly embrace minimalism if you don’t enjoy that particular aesthetic, getting rid of old, unwanted items can make your daily cleaning routine significantly more manageable. Start small by going through each room in your home, determining what you want to keep and what you can sell, donate and throw away.

Keep Surfaces Clear

Cluttered worktops, coffee tables and desks can make a home feel messy and claustrophobic, so you may want to avoid allowing things to accumulate on your surfaces. Along with setting aside dedicated time to declutter surfaces throughout your home, develop a habit of tidying surfaces daily. You could also utilise trays or containers to corral smaller items like keys, wallets, and letters. You don’t have to keep your surfaces entirely clear - a few choice “clutter” items like plants, books and ornaments can add a lot of personality to your living space.

Offer Incentives

As silly as it sounds, you may have to bribe your family members into helping with the household chores. Incentives such as pocket money and extended screen time can be excellent for motivating your kids into giving you a hand. If you have younger children, you could create a sticker chart so they can earn treats for age-appropriate chores like tidying away their toys and helping set the dinner table.

Join A Cleaning Community

Social media can be a great tool to help you with your daily cleaning habits. Joining a cleaning group on Facebook or following the “cleaning” tag on TikTok or Instagram will expose you to a supportive community and an endless supply of inspiration and cleaning tips. You could even start your own channel to share your story with others. If nothing else, you could make some meaningful connections with like-minded people.

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